Dear Dame Wotta Tripp,
Are parallel universes subject to the law of perspective?
Dear Peggy,
Yes, providing the universes they are parallel to also have perspective.
I know where you live. Email me.
Dear Dame Wotta.... Dame Wotta Tripp is always ready to advise you regarding your many personal problems. Email me with your concerns and your letter with my personal answer will appear shortly on this advice blog. There are those who call my advice twisted, but the powerful always have jealous enemies. HUMOR IS BEST TAKEN BLACK WITH NO SUGAR
Dame Wotta Tripp and FIFF©
Wotta Tripp has a lot of room in her heart for the underdog. She respects all those who hold Freedom as sacrosanct.
Wotta Tripp loves minority groups and a few other groups as well and all life forms everywhere across the Multiverse and on through Hyperspace.
As a Dark Adviser acting on behalf of the Federation for Intergalactic Far-flung Freedom© (FIFF©), Dame Wotta Tripp is an equal-opportunity shadow humorist who reserves the right to efficiently extract amusement from any situation, individual or group, regardless of race, creed, height, color, width, hair-do, sexual preference, appearance, breadth, attitude or assumed status.
It has been discovered within similar genetic breeding programs on other planets that laughter helps to free the mind from the relentless brain-washing programs enforced upon enslaved souls embodied across our home galaxy and beyond.
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